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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdoption · 1 decade ago

Am I responsible for legal fees?

I had planned on placing my baby for adoption but backed out after giving birth. The adoption agency just told me that I am responsible for legal fees and expenses for the adoptive couple since I didn't give them the baby. The couple did not pay for any of my living expenses or medical expenses. Suddenly I am responsible for $12,000!? Is this true?


No there are no further details, but thank you for questioning my competence.

41 Answers

  • Robin
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did you sign any paperwork at all? If you didn't sign a form promising to pay legal expenses, you're being railroaded. And regardless, I don't believe they can make you pay for their expenses.

    Also, since you are not the one who contracted for legal services (the prospective adopters did), you can not be held responsible. Don't be intimidate! You're being lied to!

    Contact the following agencies immediately for their help & support!

    Good luck! Keeping you & your child in my prayers.

    ETA: You don't owe ANYONE YOUR CHILD!

    "Children are not "payment," nor are they commodities"!!!


    Hang in there my friend! And listen to the many voices supporting you here! They speak from experience!

    Source(s): BSE adoptee...stolen from my mom by the system in 1963 & happily reunited in 1983
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Unless you are steeply versed in real estate law and procedure on a near daily basis, you have no business with a FSBO. There exist a number of books available at popular bookstores that will assist you in drafting the contract terms and conditions. There is a word for people who ignore the realities for the need to obtain professional advice. Those folks are called "Courtroom Litigants" Litigation costs are much higher than broker costs because it takes longer to become an attorney than a broker. Even then you are not sure if you will "win" O.K.? Here is what you do... There exist real estate businesses that will complete your paperwork properly, Since they are not finding the "buyer" they will charge a more nominal fee of 1% or 2% interest. Some have a flat fee of between $750 and $1,500. Your escrow costs are not included in this and your escrow company may also serve as the contract generating entity. All these costs are negotiable between buyer and seller. The peace of mind this will provide will far exceed your costs.

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG! NO, you are not responsible for legal fees. The adoption agency is. The adoptive parents pay nothing if the adoption doesn't go thru. The adoption agency absorbs the cost. These guys are scum. Thank God you kept your baby.

    You don't owe anyone anything. (just hospital fees) The prospective adoptive parents might be disappointed but they'll get over it. The expectant mother has a right to change her mind. That's adoption.

    Those slime buckets better leave you alone. You have been given great advice. Listen to Robin and Theresa, they know what they are talking about.

    Congrats on your baby. You just enjoy your new baby and motherhood. Let the lawyers deal with those low lives.

    You have my support.

    Source(s): adoptive mom
  • 1 decade ago

    My husband and I adopted twice and there are many fees (on the adoptive parents side) before an adoption is final. We were told up front (long before a birthmother selected us) that if the adoptive mother changed her mind, by law she did not have to pay anything back, even if we paid all of her living expenses during pregnancy (clothes, food, phone, medical). This is true in every single state even if you signed something. As someone who went to great lengths to make sure the agency we worked with was reputable, I cringe when I hear horror stories like this. Please contact ICPC (they have agencies in every state and I included a link to the national site with contact information). They need to know that this agency/law office/whatever is not legitimate.

    I would tell the agency that you are aware of the laws regarding adoption and to go pound sand. If you are going to get an attorney, get them to put the request for funds in writing (and make sure they know why). Once they realize you know your rights, they will likely run away.

    Good luck and congrat's on your new baby...I am so sorry that you are having to go through all of this when you should be able to just concentrate on your new baby!

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  • 7 years ago

    Lawyers consult for free and they would love to take this case! How insane to use a child as a commodity!

    If u need help go to social services for food and housing. Hold on to your baby. If you change your mind find a reputable adoption agency to help you. I'm so sorry. Please protect yourself in the future condom or pill. Don't let this fall on you and a child again.

  • 1 decade ago

    We were told by our agency that if we are picked my a birth mother and she changes her mind any payment that we may chose to give her for medical or living expenses is not refundable that is one of my biggest fears. I want to congratulate you on your newborn and good luck. Get in contact with a private adoption lawyer they may know more about the laws then a average lawyer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Liz as you know I am absolutely thrilled that you are keeping your beautiful baby boy

    These people are trying to FRIGHTEN you into giving up your baby to them

    They are Angry , they are sad, they want to hurt you and scare you

    I understand that they are angry and sad, who isn't when they they think they are going to get something they want, but it doesn't excuse their bullying tactics like this.

    ALL Prospective Adoptive Parents KNOW That there is a VERY REAL possibility no matter what the birth mother to be says , that they birth mother CAN And has EVERY RIGHT To change her mind.

    THEY KNOW THIS before entering into a adoption plan

    That is their risk.

    You have done NOTHING Wrong and people who make comments that are nasty are just ignorant so please ignore them


    Source(s): Australian Adoptee from UK
  • 7 years ago

    you ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE! This is nothing more than an intimidation tactic. Tell them that if they want to try to collect just sue you but that you will also be suing them for the intentional infliction of emotional harm. That due to their actions you can not eat or sleep and if they bother you,you will have no choice. good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you sign anything? Anything at all? I think the agency is trying to bully you into giving up your child, because THEY don't want to refund this couple's money.

    Contact legal aid, get an attorney of your own. It is not likely that you actually owe anyone this money, but you need your own representation.

  • 1 decade ago

    first there is no way for anyone here to tell you one way or another. If you signed paperwork to that affect then you may be. If you have the paperwork then take it to a lawyer and have them review it. My guess is there is more to the story then what was posted. It is possible they are trying to pressure you but without knowing the whole story it really could go either way. Nether the less a lawyer in your state familiar with adoption is the only person who can give you sound advise.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope not, but it does depend on what you signed. Years ago I heard of adoption agency having a clause that all fees for travel, legal etc. done before baby was born would have to be paid back if the mind was changed. I certainly hope we have gone past that stage......

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