Okay to start off, I'm 17. I bought a shirt today (link below) and my mom gave me this *ugh* look. My question to you is, would you let your kid wear this?
@heyhey: I'm a guy LOL that's me in the little picture by the question lol.
@nobull: I have a job, two actually. I run a web design and development business and I work repairing computers, both are awesome jobs I would recommend to anyone! Thanks for answering my question everyone! =D I'm not goth or emo at all by the way lol I just like the t-shirts, and the music is pretty good, though I've only heard a few of their songs.
Favorite Answer
No. It has the word suicide on it, and we parents are terrified of anything happening to hurt our kids. Suicide and car accidents and drug deaths scare the hell out of us. Its cruel to rub our love for you in our faces. We hear all the time about teen suicide. Why support a band that capitalizes on such a horrible thing?
fairly, you are able to start wearing makeup whenever you have chose, yet don't sense like you have chose to easily because different anybody is doing it. in case you have chose to objective with it, flow ahead! If no longer, i'm 19 and in college, and that i positioned on makeup possibly once a month, and that i'm doing only fantastic :) in case you do not imagine you'd be reliable at it, there's a magnificent variety of youtube tutorials on it, and also you do not elect to inevitably positioned on it outdoors the first few cases you position it on. There are even those who will tutor you approaches to do your makeup at an excellent variety of places that are committed to promoting it. reliable success nonetheless!
I believe in freedom of expression and of what clothes you wear. Until my daughters turn 18 or out of the house, then either one could where the shirt.
I remember the those faces very well. When you have kids way down the line, you will give that very same face.
lol, i went through a goth phase during hs and wore crazier stuff than a suicide shirt. it's harmless at this point, not like you're going out for a job interview.
Absolutely. At least it doesn't show your boobs. It's one of the more conservative shirts I've seen a teenaged girl wear in a long time. Who cares what it says?