Climate change...does lack of interest mean lack of action..?
Whether dangers of climate change exist or not...does rapidly decreasing interest in the topic mean that politicians will back away from action even more than they currently have. After all, politicians are only interested if there are votes in it. Can you see action on global change dying a natural death...presuming it is not dead and buried already?
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"Does lack of interest mean lack of action?"
Yes. Many Americans aren't interested in protecting the environment. An interesting survey conducted by Yale University's Project on climate change found that a majority of American adults understand that many activities commonly considered "environmentally friendly" (e.g., recycling, re-use shopping bags, bike less) are somehow important. However, relatively few follow through on a majority of the activities included in the survey. - This is probably because they simply don't care.
"After all, politicians are only interested if there are votes in it."
Agreed again. John McCain is a great example. Two or three years ago, McCain felt that climate change was a very urgent issue. However, global warming denial is seen as a conservative view. In order to gain support, McCain changed his views on climate change.
"Climate change...does lack of interest mean lack of action..?"
Not in The Dave's People's Republic of used to be Great Britain, formally known as The United Kingdom it doesn't. Most people here couldn't give a monkey's toss about the Communist Global Warming Hoax, but will have to comply with The Climate Change Act, which holds The UK to reduce its carbon output (Or something) to 80% of 1990 levels. As this means 95% of Britain's industry will have to be shut down thereby ruining the country, it will come as no surprise to you that the act was introduced by A. Darling, a Marxist, and Miliband, son of a Marxist, will it? The stated aim of Marxism is to overthrow capitalism, by using the Global Warming Hoax (GWH ) they will achieve this objective. Long live the Proletariat!!
Politicians are short term, they won't push it unless it is popular or people or dieing from it right now. Don't worry a couple more oil spills and a few massive storms with huge death tolls in the USA might....I say might get them to look at it seriously.
Claims of Man-caused catastrophic climate change/global warming/global cooling.... etc., have been shown to be fraudulent.
Those who continue to sound the alarm are too embarrassed to admit that they backed a losing cause OR in it for power OR in it for Money.
I noticed that Obama attempted to push for more so-called renewable energy (code for higher taxes) during his teleprompter speech regarding the Gulf oil spill. He lost even more support from his supporters with that desperate, pitiful attempt at continuing to gouge American wage earners.