Why is BP allowed to use toxic chemicals to disperse the oil?
Why is Obama allowing BP to use Corexit to disperse the oil? It is toxic. EPA disallowed them to do it. It's still going on. It can cause acid rain. England banned it's use in their waters!
Prompt deployment of Nalco COREXIT® oil spill dispersants is one very effective and proven method of minimizing the impact of a spill on the environment. When the COREXIT dispersants are deployed on the spilled oil, the oil is broken up into tiny bio-degradable droplets that immediately sink below the surface where they continue to disperse and bio-degrade. This quickly removes the spilled oil from surface drift…reducing direct exposure to birds, fish and sea animals in the spill environment. By keeping the oil from adhering to wildlife COREXIT dispersants effectively protect the environment.
Nalco also offers a COREXIT technology designed for shoreline protection and cleaning. It has been specifically designed to remove a wide range of crude oil and petroleum products from contaminated shoreline surfaces, including certain vegetation. Major test programs at both Louisiana State University and the University of Miami clearly showed that COREXIT EC9580A can save mangroves and marsh grass if applied early after oiling.
This is not going to cause acid rain but it might control some of the damage. I love you guys who don't like the problem or any solution. BTW, wikipedia the best you can do. Google corexit and read some more. Most of what I read was positive.