Is a community organizer qualified to put a battle/military experienced general on the carpet?
Our political system makes it possible for a totally unqualified person to have power beyond their capabillity. McCrystal is going to have to answer to Obama. A complete dog and pony show for Obama.
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yes it is a shame that our military has to tolerate an idiot like Obama giving orders when he has no idea what to actually do and the president is not the ultimate authority,the constitution is,the military holds the constitution as the top authority not the president,so if the president violated the constitution and the congress and senate refused to impeach him which is exactly what they would do as long as democrats hold majority it would fall to the military to remove him from office which would not be that big of a problem for the majority of our armed forces members because they know Obama does not respect or care about the military and the feeling is mutual,they may dislike him but they will still do there duty as long as they consider their orders lawful and constitutionaly legal.
What do you think would happen if a First Lieutenant came out and publicly criticized General McCrystal. Would he be in trouble for breaking Military protocol? Absolutely!
The Constitution of the United States explicitly gives power over the military to the civilian authority. The President is the Commander in Chief. If a general wants to criticize the President he should first resign his commission and become a private citizen.
To all those constitutional conservatives that think the the military shouldn't be subject to military protocol when it comes to the Commander in Chief, you can't have it both ways, you either believe in the Constitution or you don't. You can't pick and choice which parts we should follow and which we don't.
McChrystal should be court martialled, and in fact he should have been fired for lying about Pat Tillman's death. Here is Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice:
“Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”
If you do not dismiss Gen. McChrystal, what message does that send to junior officers? The president aside, both Gen. Petraeus and Adm. Mullen have an obligation to hold their four-star field commanders up to the same standard to which they hold lieutenants. Failure to enforce the standard establishes a new standard. And no officer is irreplaceable.
Does ending close to the backside of the Naval academy and by no ability conserving a private sector activity qualify your guy Mccain the Presidency? the guy by no ability even flipped Burgers at Mickey D;s for goodness sakes
...Obama doesn't have the Military experience of a "Garden Gnome" ! He doesn't know the difference between an E-1 from a W-4. Side by side, Obama can't tell the difference between a US Navy Officer from a Coast Guard Officer ! (and) this IDIOT is now the C in C ! May God (Yes, I just used the "G" Word) have mercy on America !