Family Guy fans, Have you seen the episode that Fox would not air?
Have you seen the last episode from season 8? 'Partial Terms of Endearment' that Fox refused to run because of the subject matter.
You can see the episode here: .
TIP: After the episode starts pause the video and wait 5 min. to let it load completely.
I like to hear from the fans as to their opinions about the episode and are you surprised that Fox decided not to run it? . If you are not a fan of the show don't bother to answer. This is a question for "fans" of the show.
If you don't like Family Guy nobody is interested. .
As usual family guy stacked the deck. they present abortions as unremarkable, ordinary, clean and easy like clipping off a hangnail. Then they show the antiabortionists reasoning as idiotic, pedantic, and unrealistic. A fetus is by all definitions a life form.If you don't think it's wrong then you shouldn't be bothered if I discharge a shotgun at a nest of spotted owl eggs that are on my property because it interferes with my lifestyle. that whole rape makes for a good reason for an abortion is crap, but if a judge, before roe v wade, ok'd it then I may not like it but it was carefully considered. I still don't see why a rape victim can't put it up for adoption. That would be one government assistance for the mother I could get behind. my ex-girl friend had an abortion because she didn't want to lose her figure. she came running out of the "clinic" after wards screaming and crying. my sister committed suicide because she couldn't live with herself after having an abortion. I was antiabortion long before those incidents. you can't possibly be upset with Fox. They have the most liberal, push-the-limit shows on TV. on FX they go even farther with Rescue 911, It Always Sunny in Philly and Nip/Tuck. I don't like Nip/Tuck but the others are my favorites. Family Guy is network TV. Comedy Central censored South Park for showing Muhammad wearing a bear suit. Did any Christians threaten to kill anyone from that episode where Jesus was snorting coke? Or in the movie Dogma Chris Rock refers to Jesus as the "N!gger that owes me $9?" I like both shows but neither one knows the first thing about Christianity. If any one truly knows what they are reading in the Bible there is no conflict with any science. God explaining the true nature of the Universe to Moses 5000 years ago would be as futile as explaining it to Stephan Hawkins now. It's too big for any of us to get our heads around. Could you explain my Iphone and how it works in perfect detail to Edison and expect him to even fathom Itunes data transfer, or explain the internet? But to simply say: on the 1st day God said let there be light (the big bang), Day 2) the Earth, stars, and moon, Day 3) the oceans and dry land, and sea creatures, Day 4) flora, Day 50 all the tiny crawling, then the large creatures, Day 6) the first sentient beings... sounds like evolution to me. That is exactly the same sequence of events science claims, right? A day wasn't 24 hours to God... the Earth wasn't created on the first day so the reference doesn't correspond with a 24 hour rotation. It's just an individual marker of Creation's progression. Any other network wouldn't even have Family Guy on it for its raunchiness. No body touched it when it was first canceled for bad ratings. it wasn't even a funny episode even without the abortion stuff. Did Fox stop the episode before the elections that had a Nazi wearing a McCain for president badge? GIve it a rest. The best episode this years was when Quagmire tore in Brian for being such a liberal hypocrite. And weeks later we find out Brian voted for McCain. You liberals talk talk talk and do nothing... How 'bout Obama's job cleaning up that Gulf? Even Troy Aikman and about a 1000 others have solutions, but they're not allowed or being heard by your impotent "god," except for spending. Once again, if you don't see this episode as an agenda and a stacked deck then I got a stock tip for you... buy BP! And if you want to see the only positive that has come out of abortions read Freakanomics... then tell me Christians are racist or singleminded.