My daughter told me that her daddy doesn't love her?
I'm pretty much the primary caregiver for my daughter even though I work full time and my husband works part time. She goes to daycare m-f and we alternate pick up and drop off but I always get her ready in the morning. I'm the one that takes her to the park, activities, shopping etc. My husband seems rather indifferent when it comes to spending time with her. If I leave her with him to run errands he sits on the computer and she watches cartoons. She says that her daddy doesn't listen to her and doesn't love her. It's clear that there is a lack of bonding going on. I tell her that daddy loves her very much but it's gotten to the point that if he tries to do anything for her or even give her a hug that she says no and comes to me. I try to encourage her to let him help fix her plate or help her wash her hands but she throws a fit and he just gives up and turns her over to me. It doesn't help that whenever I ask him to do something to help me he makes these little sighs and unhappy noises like I'm totally putting him out by asking him to get her a bowl of grapes or something. I'm going to try to get us counseling as his lack of participation in the household and parenting duties is really putting a strain on our marriage. Has anyone been in a similar situation and been able to recover the marriage and the parent/child bond?
I've talked to my husband many times about participating more over the past year and nothing changes, which is why I'm looking into counseling.