Does your state actually count absentee ballots even if they CAN'T change the outcome of the election?
OK. We all 'know' the answer to the above is yes. My actual question is: Where in your states election law does it say they have to do so?
Note: I specifically asked for an official source. Anyone that does not provide a source will NOT be chosen as Best Answer. Anyone claiming no source is needed will be reported as not answering the question.
Max Hoopla: You broke the stated rules. I SPECIFICALLY asked for your SOURCE. 'Yes' is NOT an answer to the question I asked.
Teekno: You did not supply a source either. For the record, if you don't mention what state you are from, NOTHING you say is verifiable.
JW B actually answered according to my rules. So far, he has Best Answer.
James: Unless YOU site the code section of your state law, you have NOT provided the SOURCE the question specifically asks for. There is still only ONE candidate for best answer.