The mind boggles. Eliott Spitzer on CNN?
I read yesterday that CNN changed bosses so maybe this show is doomed anyway.
The ex-gov. paid prostitutes while he went after them in his job. The damage he did to his state and his family can't be restored and CNN gives him a job?!
Spitzer is going to have the 8-9 slot with Kathleen Parker right before Larry King.
I recall that he was NY State Attorney General when he was first a customer of this prostitution ring so that's why I care. The AG's office is to root out crime, not patronize it. At least he had the grace to resign the Governor's Office after just a few days of being found out.
I of course believe in forgiveness. I just think that others deserved this job opportunity more than he did. It's like he's being rewarded for being a schmuck.
I won't be watching the show.