I Twisted My Ankle :(?
This morning to school i was running on a bumpy area trying not to be late but then like 2 hours later it started hurting a bit.What can i do to make the pain go away?
This morning to school i was running on a bumpy area trying not to be late but then like 2 hours later it started hurting a bit.What can i do to make the pain go away?
Favorite Answer
The best thing for injuries is RICE. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Try to stay off of it as much as possible. Ice for a maximum of 20 minutes for every hour, you don't want to get frostbite. If you have an elastic bandage or an ankle brace, put that on to compress the injury. Elevation needs to be above your heart. Ibuprofen, or other anti-inflammatory painkillers, will reduce/prevent swelling and help with the pain. If it continues to hurt over the next few days or gets worse, go see your doctor.