Suggest a name for my new website (theme; Cats and Kittens).?

I am planing to make a new website and I need your suggestion for the name. Website will be based on cats and kittens. It will have a list of different breeds of cats and their details. Tips on diet, vaccinations and parenting of kittens. List of cool cat names and a lot of such stuff.

please suggest a good available name, in (.com)

here you can check the availability of name:


Favorite Answer

Wrestling seems to be your major interest and you seem to be new to the cat section.

good luck!


Tears n Tigers / Tigers n Tears
Purr n Pfft
Hiss n HOwl
The Perfect Purr
The Milk n Tuna Club
Hairballs R Us
Hacking Hairballs


Purrrrfect Pet
It's the Cats' Whiskers
Feline Friends
Paws for Thought - I love this play on words :)
Top Cat
Mad about cats


Website name:
Know your cat


you want something people won't mess up tying in so you want it to be short and something to remember. Your website name will get remembered if people like your website, but if they can't get to it because it is too long or complicated then they won't go to your site. You want your URL to be related to whatever your website name is so again people can remember it easily.



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