Oregon: 2nd car @ stop sign, 1st car turning left. Do I have to wait for them to turn before I can turn right?

If I'm second in line at a stop sign and the first car is going to turn left, do I have to wait for them to turn before I can turn right (assuming there's plenty of room for me to safely do so and I make a full stop first)?


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They have the right-of-way if they stopped first. You can go ahead and make your turn, since you will not be in their path.
BUT you are assuming that they will turn left. They may have left their turn-signal on inadvertently, or they may change their mind and go straight.
In either case, a collision would be their fault, but why risk it at all? Defensive driving means taking other drivers' possible errors into account.


Safest to wait, and not assume the first car really is turning left just because the signal is on.

I have seen cars on the bridges in the Florida keys where there is no chance to turn with their turn signals on.