Do people that ask if you are happy, do so because they themselves are unhappy?

Some of the people that I haven't seen in a long time have asked me if I'm happy. This is a question that wouldn't even occur for me to ask someone. Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad, sometimes I'm angry, sometimes I'm indifferent, etc. Would I trade my life for anyone else's? No. Are the days that I'm content greater in number than not? Yes. My answer to their question of am I happy is of course yes, but wouldn't it be yes even if I was sad most of the time? I don't think I would share my not being happy if I was unhappy. So my question is this, are the people that go around asking others if they are happy, really unhappy people?


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mmm, it is kinda telling isnt it
it would mean that their focus right now was knowing about happiness
are they unhappy, i cant say,but it seems to suggest that its soemthing they are thinkign about


No, they aren't necessarily unhappy peoples themselves. They are just the type of people that ponder about others, study others, and really try to put themselves in each other's shoes. Like asking you "are you happy with the way thing are going in your life"...trying to ask you if you want to elaborate more. If not, then fine. If so, its more of an invitation to talk.

Either that, or sometimes it can just be a polite thing. Like, if I haven't seen someone in a long time I'd say "How's life?" Which can imply about the same thing. Only asking "are you happy" is a bit more upfront.

To each their own I guess. It's just your friends trying to be nice, that's all. I know it isn't how you think, and that's fine. Sometimes other people though, don't mean what they say word for word,....phrases have "deeper meanings"...and I would say that this is one of those phrases for the most part. It's not meant to be taken literal. Just as a friendly "What's been going on? Everything's going decent for the most part, right?"


not really. they just are curious to see how other people feel about themselves. They might have noticed you being depressed and are expressing their concern. It is such a vague and funny question. I do not understand how anybody can answer it with a YES or NO and mean it.