Do deniers love depending on OPEC and paying high gas prices cause its not called a tax?
With oil going over $100 per barrel every time the Middle East goes into turmoil. Do deniers love the fact that they are going to pay over $3, going onto $4+ for a gallon of gasoline? Also their investments take a hit every time there's turmoil in OPEC nations.
How big of a tax is all that on you? Yet the deniers love the dependence on OPEC and panic if they think dealing with the realities of climate change might take out a few bucks from their wallets.
@Moe Most of the world does not have as many deniers as the U.S. does, and does not depend on gasoline / petrol as they have a lot more public transport.
@Peter So you think we have enough oil in the U.S. to make a dent? Even if we did how long do you think that will last?
@Dent Oil is already over $100 a barrel and the Dow already dropped 250 in 2 days, enjoy. Other than that the game is over, I've proved what I proved and no amount of your fancy moonwalk dancing will change that.
Oh my my, I have to laugh, and isn't it ironic that George Orwell is here to help orchestrate the Double Speak.
The denier children born out of Exxon and other oil + coal company monopolies buying out scientists to start this denial campaign. Where is the big push for renewables they ask and how are we innocents to blame? Well you people are the followers of the most ruthless campaign to try to halt the world from using alternate forms of energy, and to slow down the massive destruction campaign against Earth. These companies bribe politicians so that they continue to get money from the government to continue the farce. Theses companies are so rich that they can afford to take a $42 Billion loss for recklessly spilling oil in the Gulf and think nothing of it! Also you people are following the most despicable irresponsible selfish path.
Oil was expensive too once upon a time, It only got cheaper later. Just the same any form of energy may be expensive in the beginning.
No way should
No way should we continue to drill for oil in the US. The renewable industry is gaining momentum, and you won't halt it this time. Many forms of energy are getting cheaper and more efficient. They don't require huge companies to do it. All countries and companies can do it and thats the biggest reason it won't stop. Cause when people see their independence they go for it!