Dividend dates and pay outs?

A stock I own is listed as having a Ex-Dividend Date 4/6/11. If I want to sell SOME of that stock and still get the max dividend, what day do I need to sell it?

More info
Ex-Dividend Date...........4/6/11
Dividend Payable Date....5/2/11


Thank you, that I understand. But the stock tends to drop after the dividend ex date, right? So what day do I sell to try to lock in good price and still get the dividend. In other words what is the earliest I can sell and still collect?


Favorite Answer

Sell it on 4/6. You will still be paid the full dividend. That's what the ex-dividend date means. You need to be a shareholder on that date, and the calculation is done from that day's shares. Even if you sell after, the dividends will still get posted to your account. The actual calculations are finalized on the record date which is 2 business days after the ex-dividend date. The 3 day settlement period in the US means you would still be entitled to the dividend. If you are more comfortable and want to make sure, you can hold until three trading days after 4/6.

The dividend is going to someone who owns those shares, and it can't go to the new buyer unless they buy on 4/5. Think about it that way.


after April 6th to get ANY of the dividend - if you sell before then, you won't get any dividend