Why is the best education free of charge?

I dig the public library

Ann Maria2011-03-31T07:46:52Z

Favorite Answer

Experience is the best education but can't be called as free.It may cost a lot sometimes from one's part.Even if you are stressing on the free charge education,I couldn't suggest a better type of education than experience so far.


But the library is not free. It is paid for by taxes and generous patrons. It's services are there for the taking without charge. But free it is not. It is an investment in those that would use those services and pay back in other ways. This is the concept of sharing and giving a little to produce a lot. But that seems to be an increasingly foreign concept to people.


The internet, the library, life experience all of them are free.


life experience

All hat2011-03-31T18:11:59Z

Have children