A site where you enter actor's names and it will list what movie(s) they star together?

I saw a movie that had a brunette and redhead who were supposed to dislike each other but at the close of the film it is revealed that they were working together to cover up a crime. I think Sandra Bullock or Demi Moore played the brunette and some who looks a lot like Siaohban Fallon Hogan or Kathy Griffin played the redhead. I know it's a long shot but I remember it ended with the redhead in a police station clearing or providing an alibi for the brunette and when she walks out and gets in the passenger seat of a car it is revealed that the brunette had been waiting for her. I think the brunette killed her husband but I'm not sure.


Favorite Answer

The Internet Movie Database has the exact search option that you're looking for. It's under the Advanced Searches and is called "Collaborations and Overlaps."

Just enter the names here: http://www.imdb.com/search/common


Go to Wikipedia.org and put in one of the stars names and it will give you a list of the movies and a link to information on that particular movie.


Is it "Mortal Thoughts"?



you can go on www.letmewatchthis.com.