What can be done about a Boss who is showing favoritism to other workers?
Our new Boss is showing favoritism towards some of the workers that he laughs or talks with often.
Some of us who have more seniority than these workers have been moved from our spot who were there for years, and these workers have been placed in our spot. He also would tell us certain rules to follow like for example only a 30 minute lunch break, and the ones he jokes and laugh with or who he is attractive to,stay gone for an hour to an hour and 30 minutes without nothing being said. They would be seen sitting in his office laughing and talking, while the rest of us are working. Many of us have complained among ourselves, and this has gotten back to him. He had a meeting with us saying that he does not show favoritism, and he does not have to explain why he put people in certain spots, and was fussing at us like we are children. What can be done to rectify this because it is still going on? I have gotten to the point where I do not like my job anymore, and I cannot leave because finding another job is hard to find these days.
Also by the way each Boss I've had in the past have given me a good evaluation, and I rarely miss days at work. In fact last year around christmas I sold my days for money.