Is Obama's decision not to show Osama's photo smart or the Audacity of a Dope?
I think that Osama has been dead for years and the CIA got their hands on Osama's DNA, then ordered an attack on a terrorist camp to find a body to pin it on. I do not think that the SEALS had any knowledge of it, but there are many reasons to think that Osama has been dead for years.
The decision not to show the photos has NO valid reason behind it.
Not to inflame the terrorists? I think that a bullet in his brain would inflame them more than a picture.
Not to embolden the terrorists? Folding to pressure would embolden them by making them think (correctly with regards to Obama) that we are weak.
NOT showing the photos is, IMHO another reason to believe that Osama was dead long ago, and this is staged to try to salvage Obama's re-election campaign., this is the perfect time to perpetuate the hoax. His numbers are spiraling down and the GOP debates are starting. If it were 100% open season on Obama, his numbers would drop below 35% in the next month...this is a very calculated timing for the hoax.
lovelyda...This is a man who is responsible for over 3000 US deaths on one day. There are many people who would gain closure by seeing that it was actually Osama. Now, if they were broadcasting them or putting them on billboards across the country, I could see your point, but releasing them to a location where you had to CHOOSE to go is the right thing to do.
The scenario is actually pretty simple. We have a LOT of people combing Afghanistan. It is Islamic tradition that a body be BURIED (NOT AT SEA) facing Mecca. So, consider this...a tip off of where he is buried. The CIA exhumes the body and takes a DNA sample. They find out that it is him. The body, by now is a skeleton. Our intelligence has been looking at the compound because there is reason to suspect that he is there, but not enough to go in. Now the BHO team realizes that they have been watching a look alike. Probably the same one that made the last video (you remember, the one that was about 10-20 year younger that OBL).
So Obama orders a hit on that compound knowing that he has a look alike that he can pin the DNA evidence on. NOBODY is told that we know it is a look-alike. The SEALs do an excellent job and take out the look alike and everyone involved thinks that it truly is OBL...except the few closest to Obama and the few closest to Os