Did you know that "black" Americans are the only group of people who've ever suffered?

Or should I say, "had ancestors who suffered?"


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Wrong Scott, you are reaching for straws. What about the Indians or indigenous Natives of North and South America, all the Caribbean Islands, what about all the slaves Rome had, the Greeks, the Persians, the Babylonians, and the six million Jews under Germany. Now that's suffering, to be gassed and turned into fertilizer after the flesh is rendered into usable grease to be used in all machinery the Germans used to kill in the war. They did use their dead soldiers for grease but turned to the Jews for this much needed material. Oh yes the bondage of the Jews under Egypt. Have you ever seen the mini-series Shaka Zulu? An Empire of warrior Zulus who conquered many tribes in Africa and made slaves out of them. Based on fact not fiction. The Celts under Rome, Saxons etc. True the black race suffered but they can't hold that melting popsicle up anymore because as more people are educated the popsicle just melts away. The Black race had just best pick themselves up out of the wallow they are still in and shake it off and quite holding a grudge and get to work on forgiving and forgetting, for this crap they carry on their shoulder is beginning to make them look ridiculous.


yes, i think blacks here in the south have made it so clear, that white people have been discriminated too. ok, for instance, black people wanted to have integration, but practice segrigation with all their black colleges, and all black beauty contests, etc... and a bvlack person can call a white kid stupid ugly white boy/girl... but if a white kids says stupid ugly black boy they get beat up... actually, when me and my sisters were in a day care in memphis, we got beat the **** out of just for being white.... so that is bull **** about how every1 should feel sorry for black people because of their ancestors. people, live in the present. **** the past. they got their way now. no im not racist, i just hold a lot of resentment for those reasons.


No they weren't... many groups of people suffered. Blacks aren't the only ones. You're just trying to start something.


No the jews world war 2 and when they had to flee in to caves with the candle and many more times then that

Andrew T2011-06-05T01:11:02Z

Loaded question.
I didn't "know" that because blacks are NOT the only group who's ever suffered.

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