Yahoo mail still says unread mail? And spam in inbox?
I recently updated to the newest Yahoo mail (not really by choice), and now my mail says I have unread mail that doesn't exist. How do I get it to stop saying this and go to zero when all the mail has been opened?
And now spam gets into my inbox, when the update "offer" promised LESS spam. What's the deal. Yahoo?
This is not the problem. My TAB says there are still unread mails, even when there are not. It started doing this the other day, and at that time, some mails acted funny when I tried to open or delete them(?).
And I don't have a MARK ALL READ button.
Oh, I forgot to RIGHT click. Anyway, there is nothing to mark as read. There are no emails to go with the announcement that there are 6 unread. Everything in the inbox has been read, and there is no spam or trash. These 6 mystery emails have been read and deleted, but the tab still says 6 unread.