car doors sticking on four door cavalier?

what can I do to fix my car door handles that stick up when opened and keep door from shutting properly aside from having to tear entire door apart this is happening on both rear doors of my four door car .. if i push down the handle after opening and lock doors the doors will stay shut... would attempting to put wd40 in the door using the little straw to force it into area around handle put putting it in where the rubber sealing strip is along the window help any?


this has me so frustrated i have sprayed locks the handles as they go into the metal of the door and sprayed the side of door i feel like using sawzall on damn thing solving the door sticking --- wont have door but alas i need doors in winter to cold


i meant handle not door sticking


Favorite Answer

It shouldn't be hard to get in there to fix this problem. You will have to remove the door card (this can be as easy as a few screws and pulling firmly and gently on the edges). After that, there will be a plastic weatherproofing sheet to remove. Be careful not to tear it or get the sticky adhesive on anything. If you are careful, you can pull it off and reuse it. Then, you will be able to see the inside of the door. Roll the windows all the way up to give you access to the handles. Pull on the handle while looking to see what is obstructing it's natural range. it may be as simple as a worn or popped spring.


Four Door Cavalier


Likely, it isn't the handles you WD-40 at the latch/lock mechanism...sounds like it's dry and hanging up. Spray and operate the latch thru a few cycles to free up the mechanism.


try spraying any moving part there with carburetor cleaner to strip off any sticky residues, oil, grease, sand, dust, before apply any lubricant.