Do you think Casey is innocent or not guilty?

Do you think Casey is innocent or not guilty?
We don't know if she is innocent. Every thing that was said in that court room was unbelievable, For that same reason, we don't know if she is guilty.
As far as evidence, they got Caylee's body thrown in a rubbish heap. That is all.
What I have a problem with is when a baby is kidnapped, the mother will file a missing persons report or call the police or something like that, there is no record of KC doing that.
So we got the body and the absence of a report.
If you try to think up an explanation for body, but no report, therefore murder. You will probably come up with something better than Jack A$$ton did.

life's a journey2011-07-03T17:36:47Z

Favorite Answer

Neither.She is guilty.


Guilty as they come!

There is no way a mother would act the way Casey did.

She wanted the body to rot so there wouldn't be much evidence.

Animals chewed that poor baby's body in the woods, and they never did find her right foot!


Justice for Caylee!


I do not believe she is innocent, but i do not believe the state made its case. There was no clear proof on anything...almost scary how the state could frame you with anything and you could be fighting for your life. I'm not saying she did not do the murder, i just do not believe all the juries are gonna buy the states failed attempt to frame her for it. So she may have gotten away with murder..we will soon see.


Innocent and not guilty are the same.
She's guilty. The average person's car doesn't smell like a dead body, and the average person doesn't make up one lie after another, nor party while their child is missing.
She KNEW where she was! SHE HAD KILLED HER!!!

Nancy D2011-07-04T00:46:22Z

Casey will be found guilty; no question about it. Casey only thinks of herself, nothing else matters.

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