Should they put Casey Anthony's picture on the new dollar bill?

They have made many attempts to replace the dollar bill with a dollar coin. All have failed.
Other countries have replaced their paper money of low value with a coin, by not printing that denomniation and only issuing the coin. According to U.S. law they cannt stop printing dollar bills unless they are not in demand.
So if they put Americas most hated woman on there in place of George Washington, perhaps people will volentarilly stop using it and demand dollar coins.


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Good idea. People could then refuse to use the dollar bills and demand the dollar coins as a way to show how much they hate casey.


I got a better idea . replace the bulls eye on a dart board with her picture.



Nancy D2011-07-16T23:12:58Z

She's not worth a dollar.

Cowboy C2011-07-17T02:21:25Z

Its gotta work better than what they have already tried

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