Help please! fell on my arm?

i was skateboarding at the park practicing power slides, and i fell on my left arm, it hurt alot after i fell, and now it hurts more and i cant move it.. help please? what should i do


i can move my fingers and my wrist fine, but when i open or close my arm it hurts ALOT

sorry for spelling errors and stuff, can't type right.


as i said, it hurts alot when i open/close my arm the part that hurts is my tricep and it hurts!


Favorite Answer

Go to the emergency room dur :P if you don't have it checked out soon it might get worse. There might be serious damage. Or you're just overblowing it, but you should still have it checked out.


what should you do? get off the damn internet and tell someone! if its serious then i would go to an urgent care center but if you are alone or just can't get there somehow then call 911. make sure you only do that if there isn't anyway you can get help like a neighbor take you to urgent care

oh well if you can move everything them don't call 911. but it might need a cast. urgent care is the best bet here


Go see a doctor.. (I hate when people tell me that)
until you can, keep it elevated.
Good luck!


SOMEBODY CALL 9-1-1!!!!!!!!!!