Ok so you get to make a movie but it has to be philosophical what movie do you make?

What type of ideas is the movie trying to get across and how does it go about it? Also what are the actors you choose for your movie?


Favorite Answer

Movies that explain the themes of the borderline between humans and machines are the best.

Leaving people with an ambiguous feeling at the end of a movie is great, like inception or shutter island.


I watched it and loved it. Best movie I've seen in quite a while. It had a good balance of intelligent statements and humour. They did an excellent job of capturing human emotion in its most raw form.


Anyone who gives you an answer to this question is just trying to make you filthy rich. Nice try, but I'm not falling for it.


I'd like to see one about Plato's or Buddha's life story.


I'd like to see one with Nietzsche where he hallucinates psychedelic things.