My cat has kittens that are about 3 weeks old. They are capable of walking around and still drink milk from her. Recently she has started 'coo'ing often, rubbing against me, and meowing at me despite having all of her normal needs met. I get the feeling she wants something from me since she wants my attention often, but I don't know what. Maybe someone else has a good idea about what it is?
@Joseph. I should add that it's not an urgent meow and doesnt sound like a 'yowl' (the sound cats normally make when they are in heat), its kind of a low-key meow. Does that still indicate that she might be in heat?
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Kittens will nurse off of their mother for a minimum of five- six weeks and almost always will for weeks even after they are eating whole foods. As far as your cooing situation, it sounds like a little of both. Like people, not all cats are or act alike. Some cats, a few weeks after giving birth to their litter will share her time and will expect & show affection because of their motherly instincts being in full bloom & will coo with their human family during the time she's nursing, grooming & caring for her kittens. While other mother cats, other than their coming out to eat & drink will spend just about all of 24/7 with their litter for quite a while before they're fully fitted in with their human family again. BUT, my knowledge & experienced all females cats,especially those cooing, after having had a litter are vulnerable to becoming pregnant again soon after having given birth and if not watched carefully, all too often, do. It's been my experience to look for in a cooing female cat rubbing against you is what her tail action looks like. If her tail is standing with kinda a stiff wiggle particularly during her being stimulated nursing her litter she very well may be showing signs of her being in heat and if mated will easily become impregnated.
It is very possible that your cat is already in heat again. Being extremely "affectionate" and rubbing against things like that is one of the main signs. Did she act like that last time she was in heat? When you say she's meowing, do you mean almost like she's in distress? Or like she's yowling? because that is another sign.
When your cat rubs against you are you taking the time out to give her attention? My cats are similar, coming up and crying for attention or their dinner. Perhaps she was hungry? Sorry I can't be much help.