How do you deal with insensitive people/comments after a miscarriage?
I was 6 weeks pregnant and I just found out that I am miscarrying. I had no symptoms- no bleeding or pain. The doctor told me that my hormones are dropping and the ultrasound showed nothing. I am starting to deal with it emotionally, but I can't until I begin to deal with it physically. The doctors are waiting for me to pass it naturally, but I may need medication. I have been getting some really insensitive comments from friends and family. One friend told me that I don't have the right to "fall apart" because I have my 3 year old to take care of. If I spend my time crying, that's my way of saying that this baby/pregnancy was more important to me than my 3 year old son! Other people have said "it wasn't meant to be", "in my day, we wouldn't have even known we were pregnant at this point", "don't worry, you can just have another", "at least it happened early" or "just be thankful for what you already have". And other people are afraid to say anything and have just been ignoring me. I really don't want to be around anyone because everyone seems to be minimizing my situation. I knew I was pregnant for over 2 weeks and fell in love with the idea of having another child. The doctor feels my health is still in jeopardy at this point because it still might be ectopic. I have to wait until next week to get rechecked. I hate the physically part even more than the emotionally part. I have so much to deal with, and I feel like nobody in my family understands. One minute I'm okay, and the next minute I'm hysterical. How do you deal with all the stress/emotions/other people during a miscarriage?