Who would win in a fight: Jesus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

I like fictional hypotheticals.

Doya K2011-09-10T14:33:36Z

Favorite Answer

Jesus... he has the power of respawn.

White Michael Vick2011-09-10T14:32:49Z

The flying spaghetti monster would win, cause he's flying and Jesus can only walk.

Flying Penguins.2011-09-10T14:43:58Z

Well Jesus does have some formidable attacks, such as the get nailed to a tree and bleed everywhere move. He is ultimately defeated due to his lack of mobility not only because of his opponents noodly appendages but because he is occupied by his own crucifixion and death. I think the real winner of this fight is the Roman legion.


It all depends if the Flying Spaghetti Monster had been drinking. He gets totally out of control and no one can come close without getting creamed.


in case you recommend: "Which of the two could likely knock down the different?" then the respond interior of reason elementary. Your fictitious spaghetti monster could knock down Jesus. Why? because of the fact Jesus isn't a fighter. Violence is supremely against His techniques.

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