What do you think today's announcement regarding manned spaceflight will be about?


Anthony Dewar2011-09-14T07:54:07Z

Favorite Answer

It's about the new SLS the Space Launch System that will be capable of launching humans out of Earths orbit and into deep space! It will be built in 2017. It will be the first step towards landing a man on Mars!


Didn't even know there was an announcement planned. The obvious topics are the Liberty deal with ATK, or the Falcon 9 engine issue. Maybe evacuation plans for the ISS. But given the timing, a day after the Liberty deal was announced, my money is on that.

I'd be surprised if they don't get questions about all of those issues, though.

Edit: Of course, I've been wrong before. :-) This sounds at least a little promising.


Who knows.

Watch and find out! NASA TV.