I am 15 and have bad spots like bad spots HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!?

i have bad spots what can use to get rid of them please help me xxx


Spot like on ur forehead and thanks avon person


Favorite Answer

As others have suggested, a regular skin care routine and a healthy diet/lifestyle can greatly reduce your skin problems. However, if this doesn't work well enough, it's worth seeing your doctor. If they are really bad it could be a sign of hormone problems. There are also some medications which can dramatically reduce acne.
Good luck!


Avon do a brilliant cleansing product for spots and bad skin x


you mean like pimples?... try and eat a healthy diet. limit your dairy intake and avoid sugar and products with sugar added. Fruit is ok. cleanse with gentle cleanser. preferably natural. Good luck:).. I also read that putting your urine on your face helps. (im not joking)


i have no idea what you are talking about...so i'm gonna have to assume STD