Building a ported box?

Just came across a pioneer premier 3002 d2 3500 watt max 1000 rms ... I have it in a sealed box right now and wanting to build a box .... usually my friend helps me (his girl is pregnant and no help from him )anyways its going to be 2.0 cubic feet that's as bout as big as I can get in my honda ... I want to know how to make the port .... had someone tell me just make it 3 inches but im not sure


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it all depends on what you want it tuned to and if the port is sharing a wall with the box. whoever told you 3 inches didnt tell you much because the port has a height width and length. you can look at th re box calculator but be careful it sometimes isnt right so you could also try the torres calculator its free


You might be better off leaving it in a sealed box. Ported boxes need to be made just right or you'll be wasting your time. Download WinISD. It's a subwoofer system modeling program that's free. You'll need to find the T/S parameters for the speaker online though, or call Pioneer and get it from them. Then you'll be able to mess around with box designs and see what works for you.


waste of time you can buy a tuned box on line its not worth the head ake.