Most of us know what prayer is, but what is it not?


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Actuallly, it's a contradiction to god's plan,
so there's no not a prayer.


Prayer is not reciting and repeating man made words put together in the form of a so called prayer. It is not asking for stuff as if God were some sort of Santa Clause. Prayer is not asking God for anything that is outside of His known will. Prayer is not using rosary beads to say things over and over.


Prayer is NOT a magic wish to your fairy godmother. It's NOT a once-a-year "oh god.. I think I'm in deep trouble... help me out" type of thing. It's NOT "worship time" per se. It's a deeper communication with our creator. It's time to be quiet and reflect on your life.. it's a time to put things in perspective. Sometimes miracles happen, but you shouldn't try to abuse prayer. That's what prayer isn't supposed to be like, in my opinion.


Prayer is NOT to make known something to God, for He knows everything.


Prayer is not:
1. a way to become greedy.
2. a way to get rich.
3. a way to become perverse.
4. a way to become ignorant.
Prayer is not a way to be greedy or to get any evil done.
bless you.

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