The purpose for which revelations were given by God to Jesus Christ through John is to give JUSTICE to everyone, both the dead & the living, with the end in view of achieving PEACE in the end as the Will of God for the forthcoming Thousand Years (free from evil). Unknown to all, the groundwork of God’s pre-conceived plan has already begun in this 21st century.
Nobody senses that God is now intervening & revealing Himself through His PROPHETIC WORD in the Bible, particularly the dream in Daniel 7, the creation in Genesis 1-3 and the finale in Revelations 16-19 (the world’s dead-end road).
In the beginning, God knew the outcome of what man’s rule on earth will be and so, God posed His will that was made in advance in the ancient times since He is the Supreme One who bears witness to the fate of the world. If people read dragons, beasts, horns and others in the Bible, these are only God’s props or camouflages or masquerades which His servants can only perceive, discern & explain when the time comes. Since the Revelations (as well as others like Daniel 7, Genesis 1-3 and 2nd Peter 2-3) are now decoded & interpreted by a Filipino author (Winston Kayanan from the Philippines), who could believe what people has heard from or was told by him? In this vein, it is about time that the world should wake up and stop their senseless & meaningless talks of skepticism & criticism. In truth, Revelations attack most of us, i.e., the Catholic Church, the United Nations and lastly, the peoples of the world.
The first assault is directed to the Catholic Church because it has failed to watch over God’s people (figuratively described as sheep by Christ to Peter in his last appearance) and hence, Revelation Chapters 2 & 3 is thrown against the Church. Although the Church has its own theological versions of these chapters, the Church whom God is rebuking for false interpretation is unaware that the scriptures are directly addressed to them. Rev. 2 pertains to wrath, envy, gluttony & lust and Rev. 3 is sloth, pride & avarice, all of which come from the 7 actual sins which unfortunately the Catholic Church failed to prevent & control. People & media attacked the Catholic Church almost daily or weekly in the 1st half of 2010, comprising of immorality (like homosexuality) and crimes (like child abuse, money laundering and others).
The second (continuing) assault belongs to UN because God is unhappy with their works. The original 4 councils of UN (excluding the last, i.e., Human Rights Council) have been perfectly & accurately identified by the Filipino author to match fittingly with the 4 beasts in Daniel’s dream (or vision) and the 4 horsemen (white, red, black & pale or green) in Rev. 6. The author has lengthily explained these to the repliers in Yahoo’s Q & A under environment (global warming) category, attacking UN’s perversion of God’s laws on nature by installing their man-made idol, carbon emission reduction. For 13 years, God frustrated the approval on the world’s idol every year and therefore, God’s final judgment on UN is in Rev. 17 to 19 (first part).
And the last to be assaulted will be the peoples of the world. God is very disappointed because people have shown disrespect to His creations (attached with laws) in spite of the fact that God sent His knowledge in advance to eradicate global warming coupled with graces of mercy & salvation to the world in December 2002 before the advent of climate change in June 2003. Even if governments were led to subscribe to UN’s idol, people have forgotten and never recalled what they have learned in education (i.e., natural sciences such as biology, chemistry & physics). So God taught a Filipino to invent a powerful technology (geared on photosynthesis & chemosynthesis) & then pushed him to offer it to the world (an antidote against warming). Since world’s authorities ignored, rejected & denied it in favor of its idol, their indifference has been inexcusable, portrayed as an act of disobedience that consequently made many people to fall as victims of illnesses & death every year and even, made earth to be devastatingly crushed & trampled with natural disasters for 7 years. With these experiences of tragedies, did people wander what is happening? Did people try to seek God for answers? No. With little faith or none at all, obviously they could not reach God.
Blinded people don’t know that after Rev. 17 to 19 (first part) with regards to the fall of UN per author’s interpretation, their time of judgment will follow in Rev. 19 (second part), i.e., the Triumph of the Word of God. In Luke 12: 51, Jesus said: “Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you but rather division.” This would mean that 50% of the world’s population will perish, fortified by the gospel in Matthew 24: 40-41, saying: “Of 2 men in the field, one will be taken & the other left. Of 2 women grinding wheat together at the mill, one will be taken & the other left.”