Why do unhappy people seem to resent happy people rather than emulate them?

It seems that the more unhappy a person is, the more they seem to dislike happy people. Why would they not simply emulate what happy people do so they too could be happy? It's not just that. I have a friend who's miserable in life and he won't take anyone's suggestion. No matter what he does he fails miserably. He lost a job as a dishwasher once because he was late too many times. Before he lost his job I suggested he take an earlier bus and he replied that he did take an earlier bus but it kept running late. I suggested an earlier, earlier bus but he acted like I was crazy. Why do some people have such a hard time recognizing that what they're doing isn't working and they should try a game plan that's proven successful. We can even see this on a grand scale with China. Instead of emulating America's success, they tried to outdo us by using cheap labor and did accumulate much wealth from us. Unfortunately, since they did not allow democracy and capitalism, when we went down so did they. Imagine if they just emulated our system. Not only would their country not have been as effected economically as America, but because of their population, they would be way ahead of us now. I know why they did it because the people in power wanted to stay in power, but why do individuals do it?


@ Teddy: Everyone's point of view is realistic for them, it's not a matter of being an optimist or a pessimist. I have friends who I feel are very pessimistic in their views but I can see that they enjoy a reality in which they not only find the injustices of the but outsmart them. We create our realities and that seems to be one they enjoy. I do not judge anyone's reality, I just wonder why someone would choose one that makes them unhappy. :)


@ Gabriel: I love the last three paragraphs. I guess it does take humility to face that you are responsible for your own happiness, especially if you are unhappy. Fear is another reason change would not come easy. :)


@ Kanjoos: Funny. I like it. :)


Favorite Answer

Why?Its simple.Because it is often EASIER for egoistical people to hate then to love someone rather then do the right thing.Becoming good and happy in todays world requires great effort for most people becaues of the fear of rejection and fear of inadequacy.Wanting to be good would mean also accepting the fact that you are not good enough and that is something many people are not prepared to do.The feeling of inadequacy is a very painful feeling if you have felt it in the past then you know it.

Wanting to be good would mean going against all the egoistical evil people that exist in the world and for a ordinary weak spirited person that would not be the first option.Lets face facts shall we.Most people would rather do what is easier then what is good and what is good is often not easy.

To admit they are right would mean to them that they are wrong and they so desperately want to protect themselves from unpleasant feelings because they have so little happiness in their life.When you are happy in life you take the good with the bad.You do not fear failure or pain.

Miserable people ENVY happy people because they have something they want but are too weak to work for it to get it.They often project their own inadequacies unto these good people because they are so afraid of admitting that the problem is in them.They have lived a life of rigid self defence and they got used to it so it is difficult to let go of it.Old habbits die hard.

Most people need something to rely on.A strong person in their life that will always be there for them.A person who will give them strenght in the time of need.When you have that you do not fear pain.Most people dont have that and even if such a person comes allong it is difficult for them to see that good person because of all their pain that is clouding their vision.Because of their ego.People need a father figure because they are like children.They desperately need that figure in their life but few will admit it out of pride.

Pain is the best teacher for these people.Sometimes you just have to let people brake to finnaly face the truth.It is only after you loose everything you are free to do anything.


I know quite a few people who believe that "optimistic" and "positive" people are either stupid or ignorant. They believe that a person should not be positive or negative, but rather, realistic. The fact is, most of the things that happen in the world are out of anyone's control, and it is silly to believe that your attitude can affect your "success".

Maybe your friend could have taken the earlier earlier bus, but does that mean he'd be that much better off, working as a dishwasher? Maybe he values other things in his life above the thankless work you seem to think he should be grateful for.

Also, how does the U.S. qualify as a successful country? Are its people happy (judging from the reality TV that comes out of the U.S., its people seem to have highly fragile egos, and huge insecurities)? What qualifies as success to you? Don't you think that other people might define success differently from you? Maybe, instead of judging others you should take a look at yourself.


Well to be honest I used to be a miserable person, and like your friend I didn't take advise from anyone, and those kinda people just wanna be left alone and have beat up spirits (I mean that metaphorically) but you shouldn't really just leave him alone, keep on trying to get him out and let him have a good time and bit by bit he will get better.

Dr. Girishkumar TS2011-12-21T07:39:21Z

Unhappiness results from selfishness, and higher selfishness makes one envy the happiness of others. First so called world society is the last happy world, so reports some study conducted.


why don't happy people try to emulate unhappy people for the sake of change in weather . isn't it tedious and boring and monotonous to be 'happy all the time'. its just like you eat same food everyday and after a week you don't even like to look at that food !
'variety is the spices of life'

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