Since the story about Newt Gingrich divorcing his dying wife has be debunked is it time for us to ask the?
media, "What else are you lying to us about?" His first wife is not dead, she never had cancer and she is the one who sought the divorce.
Here is what her daughter has to say about it:
My mother and I have both recently run into quite a few people who hold an inaccurate understanding of this hospital visit. Many think my mother is dead.
Mom went to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta for surgery to remove a tumor. While she was there, Dad took my sister and me to see her.
It is this visit that has turned into the infamous hospital visit about which many untruths have been told.
My mother and father were already in the process of getting a divorce, which she requested.
Dad took my sister and me to the hospital to see our mother.
She had undergone surgery the day before to remove a tumor.
The tumor was benign.
As with many divorces, it was hard and painful for all involved, but life continued."
Since it is apparent the Newt detractors cannot defend their position and choose, instead, to bring up over 80 "ethics violations", you have proven my point. Who was making all of those ethics charges? Would you believe Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats? How many of those charges were proven true? Answer, one and it was pretty much a gray area involving whether the current rules (not laws) allowed Professor Gingrich to use some of his campaign funds to pay for an American History class he was teaching.
See? What else are they lying to you about?