Can anyone recommend me a good strategy game.
I would like something payware like starcraft 2 or world in conflict ground control 2 they satisfied me very well im looking something close to that
Can anyone recommend me a good strategy game.
I would like something payware like starcraft 2 or world in conflict ground control 2 they satisfied me very well im looking something close to that
Favorite Answer
a good startegy board game is stratego lol hence its name. and an "online" strategy game is "campaign game"
heres the link
I like erepublik, is a very good game!
If you mean video games some good ones are... Starcraft 2, Age of empires (dont know the newest version), Warcraft 3 (kinda old but still fun), and League of Legends (this is free). There are more but those are the best ones that i thought of.
in case you like civ i could get xcom enemy unknown. that's not real RTS that's turn based however the action feels very quickly. besides, i could %. starcraft 2 of your precise selections. that's precise of the line head and shoulders specifically others so a techniques as high quality and stability. Of your selections starcraft 2 is the sparkling superb. the single i could %. that's not on your checklist is sins of a image voltaic empire rebillion in case you like area and skirmishes. Or in case you go with an exceedingly low priced one with relaxing skirmishes, then ideally suited commander 2 gold that's like 5 funds on steam.
League of legends:
Free and fun.