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Bid'ah is an Arabic word meaning innovation. According to Shari'ah, to include anything in Islam which was not present at the time of Rasulullah, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Sahabah, Radi-Allahu anhum, and regard such inclusion as a compulsory component (Fardh-waajib) of Islam.
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Bidah is an innovation which is innovated for earning the pleasure of Allah SWT. It is a deed which people think it is good, but the Prophet SAW did not do or did not approve of. An example is that when someone dies, then his/her family does a Quran Khawni (every relative gathers and reads the Quran thinking that Allah SWT will give sawab (good deed) to the dead person; the prophet never did this nor though it, nor the Companions did it. There are many reasons why Bidah is a sin, some are: Allah SWT has completed this religion, so no other action can be added, Aisha R.A narrates that the Prophet SAW said "Whoever adds an action in this deen, his action will be rejected and he will be rejected." (Sahih Muslim).
There are many more details as to what it is. I suggest reading this article, inshaAllah it will help understanding this Very Important topic which most of this Ummah is heedless of.
คђmα∂(iś ḃacǩ)
bidah= innovation in religion
as wt we practice in islam is based on quran and sunnah.
bt if someone create smthing from his own and relate this to islam which has no base in islam tht is called bidah.
although bidah has different types bt i ll make it short and give u a
Simple example: as we know fajr salah has two fard rakah. Supposeif a person prays 4 fard rakah saying fajr is 4 fard its clearly bidah=innovation
Meaning Of Bid Ah
it means to modify the religion or add something new to the religion. This is a very big sin.