Anybody else out there have problems with Aquarius(me) & Taurus husband?

Was wondering if anyone else out there has such a roller coaster marriage, based on astrological signs or maybe just personality. Been married 20yrs, split up many times. Mostly because he saw nothing wrong with staying out until 3-4am on weekends, drinking,smoking grass. He is a hard worker, but plays in rock band occasionaly, and practices sat 6p-12mid. Also had problem with him not setting boundaries with ex wife that cheated on him and caused the divorce, before I met him. She would call him and ridicule my gifts I bought their kids or ask him to go in 1/2 for craddle for their grandchild, instead of asking HER husband. We fought because he wouldn't tell her to butt out. She is very over-weight,mouthy,and I am attractive and confident. But he would not tell her to mind her own business.


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I'm sorry you're going thru all this.

Lass, you need two things. First, a professional Astrolger to look at both you and your husband's Natal Charts and then compare them, which is called Synastry. You need this to find out if 'saving' your marriage is actually possible and/or worth it.

Second, if it is possible and worth it, then you both need to engage in some Marriage Counseling.

From an Astrological point of view, Aquarius and Taurus are both Fixed modalities... they Square each other. And Squares are always frictional. My husband and I share Trined Sun, Moon, and Mercury; and Sextiled Venus and Mars... so, we've got some really very lovely Aspects that overcome the one thing that drives us both bats... our Ascendants.

Mine is Scorpio, his is Aquarius... and ne'er does the twain meet with these two. All our fights are centered around this Square. And it isn't pretty as the Fixed Signs ALWAYS represent single-mindedness with Squares ALWAYS representing Power Struggles. However, we have so much good stuff in our Synastry that this one horror is overcome. It doesn't mean we don't fight, it means we don't take it personally, and we don't hold grudges, (which is very easy for me to fall into because of Scorpio's inclination towards emotional resentment. Aquarius lets it go more easily because it's so emotionally detached to begin with).

Your Aquarius Sun is very independent and rebellious, feeling it 'knows it all'. It's motto is, 'You're not the boss of me! You can't tell me what to do!'. However, Aquarius will at least 'talk' about issues, and want to come up with some solutions.

Your husband's Taurus Sun, however, is stubborn to the nth-degree. No one can convince him of anything. No one can change his ways, his mind, his heart. He's gonna do what he's gonna do... no talk, no consideration, no compromise. It's motto is, 'My way or the highway'.

Both these Fixed Signs take high umbrage... they get defensive very, very quickly. And, once defensive, then hashing things out and coming to an equitable compromise is out of the question.

Alas, we are just talking Sun Signs here, and Sun Sign Astrology just doesn't work, (see my 'Profile' about this).

Get the Charts done, Kathy. Only then will you be better able to make the very real, and very life-changing decisions you need to for your happiness, peace of mind, and welfare.

To this end, I suggest you start with the AFA (American Federation of Astrologers). They have a roster of professional Certified Astrologers that can help you in this endeavor. Call a few and ask about their Services, Specialties, and Fees. You'll be glad you did.