Why there is no single engineering book written by a woman?

Why most of the science inventions are by men only?

Modern psychologists accept the existence of more than
one faculty of mind:

"Our two minds .... One is an act of the emotional
mind, the other of the rational mind. In a very real
sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that
feels" (Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence,
Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 1996, page 8). This
rational mind is also called the faculty of logic and


Emotion has usually, in the European- American tradition, been seen as the opposite of reason; the definitions provided in the Oxford English Dictionary emphasize emotion as agitation, perturbation, and feeling or affection — as distinguished from cognitive or volitional states of consciousness. Philosophically this split became entrenched through the thought of Rene Descartes, with his famous ‘I think, therefore I am’. Emotion has thus come to be associated with the body the way reason has been associated with the mind.


Women more likely than men to put emotions in motion



The rational mind is connected with engineering. That part of brain works dominantly in men.


Scientists always consider rules. Philosophers take to deeper meaning of rules, and accept that every will have a few exceptions.


If men and women think alike, why there are not as many engineering books by women?
Their percentage is next to zero considering the whole population of the modern world.


Favorite Answer

Engineering is a rather masculine field. It'd be like a man writing about shopping. (Not unacceptable, but weird.)


Engineering is unemotional. Women are more sanguine than men and prefer other fields, even though I have worked with female engineers, and found them just as good as the men.

Sciences are another matter. Many American universities proudly feature excellent female scholars, and scientists among their faculties.

Marie Curie was not alone. Here in San Diego, I have sat at lectures by world renowned scientists, and no one cares about their gender, only their work. Ajit Varki, and V.S.Ramachandran are just two examples of great scientists who give full credit to the research contributions made by their wives.



Took me 2 minutes to find a book. Your question reaks of sexism. The are societal reasons that have meant that men have dominated engineering over the years

Late Responder2012-02-17T18:31:19Z

Because white men have been unfair to women. And I'll bet capitalism and Christianity had something to do with it to.

Zaphod Beeblebrox2012-02-17T21:07:56Z

1) It isn't a philosophical issue
2) You're biased: http://www.icwes15.org/abstractsByAuthor.asp

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