How long would it take to saw through your own arm?

Watching "Walking dead" and got to wondering "why didn't he cut the rusty metal bar instead of his arm"? So does anyone know how long it would take to self amputate with a hacksaw?


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Each person would be different. Some people would rush it along, some would take their time b/c of pain...some would pass out a few times...some would do most of the job then RIP.

My best guess would be at least 3-5minutes.

BTW- I wondered the exact same thing. Or cut through the HOLLOW PIPE he was chained to lol


Um... Most people wouldn't attempt to saw their own arm off... But if there was no pain involved, probably only a few minutes. But since that would hurt way beyond belief, probably a really long time.


You answered my question with a d*ck answer. So here's mine.
I would estimate 12 hours to saw yours off. Mainly because I would be doing it with a butter knife. Go speak to your Ken doll and stop asking stupid questions. Wan*ker.


This is not a good question at all. Why would you want to know that. Why not learn about something more worth while?


you should totally give it a go! What's the worse that could happen?! Lose a little blood, die... Sounds like a good idea to me!

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