My sister's cat has a slobber problem, help!?

My sister always comes down for the holidays...she lives 2 1/2 hours away. She brings her cat down as well. This would be the 2nd time her cat has done this and we can't figure out why: she drools excessively (and I mean A LOT) on the car drive down. It took her about an hour after she got to our house to stop drooling (she has slobber strings coming down both sides of her mouth). Does anyone know why this is? Sometimes she does this at home as well but not too often. Thanks for any advice!

Crazy Cat Lady >^.^<2012-04-07T18:29:06Z

Favorite Answer

When an animal is drooling excessively, it is a sign of nausea, distress or fear. The car ride is probably bothering the kitty. Cats are perfectly fine to be home by themselves for a few days, so maybe she may want to leave kitty home in the future. If she can't leave kitty home by herself, then maybe talk to kitty's vet to see if there is anything she can do to reduce nausea or distress.


Cats do it when theyre scared. Shes probably scared of the car and the new environment of your home.


some kittys just drool


my cat slobbers when its really happy, like when its purring and rubbing against me. :p