Landlord Question:Problem with Bathroom?
For the last week or so we've noticed there is a brown liquid coming up from the linoleum in the bathroom. I assume its because of the half assed caulking job they did around the bathrub and toilet, since the floor is rising around both of them. its rolled linoleum,not tiles. it really sucks because when we walk into the bathroom and step where its coming out, we get wet feet or socks with stains on them
i just told my landlord about it and am waiting for a response.
since water is getting under the linoleum, im assuming that they will have to replace the floor.its also probably ruining the wood under the linoleum and possibly causing mold to grow. i have a feeling they are going to tell me they cant afford to do it,that we can do it, but they wont reimburse us for it.
Just wondering what i should say/do when she tries to get out of fixing this.
i let her know through an email about the problem.
i am 7 month pregnant with a 3 yr old daughter so if there is mold, i am worried it could cause us both health problems.
we also dont have the money to make the repairs ourselves, as we are trying to prepare for a baby.
i have a huge feeling if we did ask to do it ourselves then take it out of the rent she would say no.