Is there a square inch of this country that wasn't occupied by "Native Americans"?

It's a fair question, since Obama signed the treaty with the UN for the "fair" treatment of "indigenous people" and now we're supposed to hand over the Mount Rushmore area to the local tribes. We've all seen what ridiculous lengths Liberals will go to in their fever to be politically correct. Once they get started, nothing is safe. So I'm asking, which piece of land can they not confiscate because it was "stolen" from their ancestors?


rdvampy, the treaty was signed by Obama, and the last time I looked he was the leader of the Loony Left. Also, I've never heard a Conservative supporting the "give it back to the Indians, evil White Man" schtick.


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There is absolutely NO way to right the wrongs committed over the millennia of human existence, and what for? The people wronged have long since been gone. Liberals are not known for coherent thinking.


I looked up and found the article you are refering two. As of now it is just mount rushmore and and it coudl lead to more land being given back to the idians that was taken in the sioux wars that included the dakotas and colodard and other parts in the area

But I don't see this country completly colapsing as a result of this


The first nation's occupied basically everything
if we go back to the same period in time
what is now Istanbul was a Greek city called Constantinople.
Then 2000 years ago the Middle East and southren Europe was rulled by the Roman Empire
should we give all of that territory to Italy?


The Empire State Building.


Liberals are busy rewriting history, as always. Native Americans never claimed to "own" America. They had no concept of borders. They lived in separate tribes, often at war with each other, separated by huge expanses of no man's land. In South Dakota, where I grew up, they gave the Black Hills to a tribe that had never even lived there, out of some sort of appeasement. Now they're getting rich from the gold mining, when Native Americans never even valued gold because they were stone age people. It's ridiculous.

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