Who will care for my cat, should I predecease him?

Even I struggle to love him. OK, that's not true, I love him to death, it's just that he's kind of an Asperger's cat. OK, that's not true, he's just seriously dumb. He's not good with people, including me, and especially anyone other than me. Or even noises other than me. OK, he's just not good at stuff in general. But he's very good looking and means no harm and if you let him into your back yard he will decimate the rodent population. By dragging them into your living room.

Chelsea FC2012-05-25T22:04:39Z

Favorite Answer

I would suggest a close family member that would be willing to come over and spend some time with him occasionally now so when you do go it wont be such a shock.


Well, I have to say I dont often see people worried about who will take care of their cat, haha..heck too many parents dont even think about that kind of stuff for their kids! (and they should btw).

But, I'll give you the same advice I was given when my husband and I did our will and all that fun (not!) stuff for us. - whoever you want the cat to go to needs to A) and most important - make sure he or she is willing to take the cat! B) Has the financial means to care for it, and I dont jsut mean cat food and litter - routine vet care, money if an emergency happens - its not cheap C) Once you have someone in mind, it wouldn't hurt to have that person come by and be around your cat so your cat knows him or her....you know? Make sure its a good match..


If you know any friends or family members that will take him, you can specify that in your will (or just make a verbal agreement with them, if that's appropriate). Just be sure that there is SOME place for him to go or he might end up at a shelter :(

And no pet is perfect. I foster cats and I have had some pretty "annoying" ones - one that sucked on fingers constantly and another who pooped anywhere there was tile floor - they both found good homes, despite of their antics :)


I have three cats like this. They don't like anyone, they are not cuddly but you find a family member or friend that will make the promise. lol. Put it in writing. lol. Chances are that you will outlast the cat but of course, a good pet owner worries about these things.


Are you planning to leave this mortal life soon? If its soon talk to friends family co-worker to find your pet a home. A patient I took care of had a cat like this.she put him to sleep with her and put the cats ashes with her.Her cat was quite old though. Hope your ok Diane