My pregnant cat has blood coming out of her bum area?

Ok well she was hiding under my sister bed and I called her and she came out and she had blood on her bum area, she is due any day now but I have no idea if her water has broken, she was acting normal and she ate food, I put her in the room I want her to have the kittens in with food, water, litter box and left her, she has had 1 litter before and everything went ok ( we didn't get her desexed in time but this time we are getting her desexed 1 week after) is this normal? What should I do if it's not?


Favorite Answer

It sounds normal. Be sure to ask the vet if de-sexing is okay to do while she is nursing her kittens. You may need to wait for six weeks for her to raise this litter of kittens before having her taken care of. She will need to be at the vets office at least all day and that is too long for her to be away from kittens that are only one week old.


take her to see a vet asap