Finger broken or bruised?

I got my finger shut in a car door. It smashed right above the middle joint. Before swelling finger dipped down like it was "smashed." It has swelled but I can still bend it. Is it broken or bruised? If broken should i go to doc?


Favorite Answer

Just because you can still bend it does not mean there is no fracture. However, it does not sound like ant really serious damage has been done, and the only thing that could likely be done is to splint the finger and let it rest for a couple of weeks.


It is not possible to tell if it's a sprain or a damage without needing a xray. In the meantime. Ice your finger to slash the swelling, if experiencing suffering take a moderate pain reliever reminiscent of Tylenol. Also put a splint for your finger to offer you balance to hold it from flopping around and injuring the finger further. That you could buy a splint on the drug store or make one by way of making use of a Popsicle stick and wrap with gauze. Be certain no sharp edges


Get it checked just to be safe.