To those "intellectuals" in Thailand: What's really behind those technical and vocational students?

in Bangkok and around Thailand killing and hurting each others? Can't those "intellectuals" in Thailand do anything to stop them? What do you think should be done to stop them?


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I'm not an intellectual but I have some opinions on schools in Thailand.

Well, first you should look at the students involved in the past and present to see exactly who they are. Are they weaker students in the whole student body? Are they from any certain background in terms of region, language or religion? Just see if there are any particular traits of those involved in violence that could be used in identifying future problem makers.

I would guess that to deal with this everyone has to play a part. Many teachers are weak or criminal and do not enforce school rules. You need teachers who are not afraid to confront these people and the problems they are creating. Get rid of the teachers who are not helping the situation. Make sure the heads of the school are tough and present at the school at least 4 days out of 5. As it is Thai heads like to spend their time mostly off campus which is one of the biggest problems in Thailand. School heads should be on campus and active in walking the campus grounds and confronting students and teachers who are not doing what they should be doing. School heads are definitely a key to improving Thailand's problems.

Students in techno schools and high schools or other schools who cause serious problems should be kicked out and forced into the military. Thailand has a draft so why should the polite honest students be forced into the military when there are plenty of young men who do not want to learn who could fill the ranks. Send the troublemakers to the military for two years. The military changes a lot of people if those training people are strong and forceful in their training. Disobedience in the military means jail. This is one solution for so many young men in Thailand.

Other solutions lie with young women no having children they can't take care of. There a plenty of parents with absentee parents in Thailand. Women should be taught to think of their future and life security rather than love or babies. Too too many women are having children they don't really want to don't plan to raise. They know they can toss their kids with their parents and go on without caring for them. This is wrong!

I'd also say there are a lot of kids being born retarded to some extent due to lack of good prenatal nutrition or due to chemical exposure. I would bet that that figure could be as high as 15- 20% of all births in the poorer regions of Thailand. It's an untold story. I see these kids in my classes at a high school in the northeast and I am saddened by this. They appear basically normal looking and are generally nice people but something is seriously wrong with their minds. I feel they have been left behind and Thailand just doesn't want to look into the problem.


I think it's more a gang thing then school. But when you put everyone in those stupid uniforms it makes it easy to ID a member of another school. And you find these kids with knifes and swords and you fine them 100 baht and turn them over to the school? Where the hell are the parents? Then they close the school so the students have more time to plan a revenge attack. The laws, the police, the parents and the schools are not doing enough to prevent these attacks. They just walked on the bus and started shooting as if no one knew them, they just don't care or are very stupid. Life is meaningless to these people. Why not let them take there frustrations out on the football field and knock the hell out of each other.

added: Now that they caught the shooter, if found guilt the courts need to show no mercy. Death by firing squad will be equal punishment. And do it in front of the Art School.


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Boys will be boys - testosterone running wild through their veins - wanting to peacock their feathers for the young girls to witness - two bulls battling to be leader of the herd, the alpha male gets all the girls - - -

There likely is no stopping them. The biggest deterent will come gradually with time [ and is ] as the computer nerd becomes the new symbol of success and the guy with the muscle is no longer considered the best bet to bring home the bacon...


Are they killing and hurting each other? I hadn't heard about it. Is this news? I live in BKK. Can someone provide a link with details please? I'd like to know about it.