Nancy Pelosi is on Meet the Press now. She continues to lie about Obamacare. Says she thinks the president?

will be re elected. I doubt it.


Justin, If I could give the best answer right now, you would have it ! I just cant understand myself why a law got shoved down our throat and no one even knows whats in it.


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When she said,"we have to pass it to see whats in it" i came to the conclusion she`s retarded or something.


Nancy Pepsi's intellectual prowess is about the same as the average democrat; extremely lacking in substance. To say the least, she is certainly intellectually challenged.

Pelosi: We Lost Due To 9.5% Unemployment Because Of Bush
2006 Flashback: Pelosi Says Dems Will Have Most Honest & Ethical Congress
"The Democrats intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical congress in history."
Congressional ethics report leaked, reveals names
"The panel announced that it was investigating two California Democrats — Reps. Maxine Waters and Laura Richardson ...
"In the midst of a busy legislative day, ethics chairwoman Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., went to the House floor to announce that a confidential weekly report of the committee from July had leaked out in a case of "cyber-hacking."
"The names included ... Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa.; and Reps. Peter Visclosky, D-Ind., and James Moran, D-Va...Reps. Norm *****, D-Wash., Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, C.W. Bill Young, R-Fla., and Todd Tiahrt, R-Kan."
Sanchez sisters eyed by House ethics panel for alleged collusion
"A document from the House ethics committee lists an examination into whether the chamber's rules were violated when Rep. Linda T. Sanchez put three legislative aides to her fellow-congresswoman sister on her payroll after an embezzlement scheme had left Rep. Loretta Sanchez's office short of funds...
"the sisters, both California Democrats, "shared transferred staff from one office to another after embezzlement," and that a meeting between lawyers for the ethics committee and the congresswomen had taken place June 1."
Rep. Schuler's land swap deal eyed by Ethics committee
"House ethics investigators are reviewing an allegation of "preferential treatment" in a land deal involving Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.)"
Source: Aide told Pelosi waterboarding had been used
May 12, 2009
"A source close to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi now confirms that Pelosi was told in February 2003 by her intelligence aide, Michael Sheehy, that waterboarding was actually used on CIA detainee Abu Zubaydah."


You didn't get what you want. You won't get what you want in November. Get past it. The ACA is Constitutional. Unless the Constitution is now your new enemy.


She needs to be deported for treason.

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