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Why does Nancy Pelosi and Obama continue to lie and say the Republicans never offered alternative health plans?

Take a good look and see the dates in which these were proposed and these plans, none of them raise taxes and all are better than what Obama has on the table and none cover illegal aliens such as Obama's plan does:

For more information about these and some of the other common-sense health care reforms proposed by Republicans, please visit these links:

■House GOP Health Care Solutions Group Plan (Unveiled June 17, 2009)

■Empowering Patients First Act (Republican Study Group Health Care Reform Bill, unveiled July 30, 2009)

■Improving Health Care for All Americans Act (Shadegg Health Care Reform Bill, introduced July 14, 2009)

■Patients’ Choice Act (Ryan-Nunes Health Care Reform Bill, introduced May 20, 2009)

■Medical Rights & Reform Act (Kirk-Dent Health Care Reform Bill, introduced June 16, 2009)

■Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act (Gingrey medical liability reform bill, introduced June 6, 2009)

■Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2009 (Johnson small business health plans bill, introduced May 21, 2009)

■31 Common-Sense Changes Republicans Offered to Improve Democrats’ Health Care Bill (GOP Leader Alert, July 28, 2009)

■House Republican Leaders’ Letter to President Obama [PDF] Outlining Areas for Common Ground on Health Care Reform (May 13, 2009)

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    These two dopes wouldn't recognize the truth if it slapped them upside the head. Dean Heller of Nevada offered and amendment in the house that specifically disqualified Illegal aliens from receiving health care and it was shot down too.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are right, they really ment to say they didn't offer any GOOD alternative. The stuff you posted has some good things, but that stuff won't work by it self. It would continue allowing companies to do what they want when they want when it comes to human life. Come again and come stronger. That Crap is a good first draft for a 1st grader, but no where close to a final draft master's project! Oh maybad most republican either dropped out of highschool cause they got their sister knocked up or they had to cheat to go into the services. Real men Do real things. Thank god we have Obama in office!

  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because you haven't.

    GOP Holds Back on Health Care Details

    Aug. 6, 2009

    By Steven T. Dennis

    Roll Call Staff


    House Republicans are finding that less is more when it comes to talking about their own proposals for reforming the health care system.

    In June, House Republican leaders issued a four-page outline that included broad proposals but lacked details on how much it would cost, whom the plan would cover and how they would pay for it.

    Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) promised they would have a bill and provide details later. Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) also promised that legislation would be forthcoming.

    But nearly two months later, Republicans have apparently decided that keeping their bill under wraps is better politically than releasing details that would give Democrats room for a counterattack.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you have the numbers advantage (majorities in the House and Senate) that means you have a lot of voters who put you in the majority. With that number advantage, it is more productive to lie and convince more people of something than it is to tell the truth and piss off all those people who don't want truth anyway.

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  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What they offered was crap. They do that all the time. If they have something so great to offer why didn't they impliment it in the 8 years of Bush??? Come on don't be so ridiculous.....Oprah doesn't ask Jerry Springer to offer her his idea of a good show...his show is a bunch of republicans fighting each other....would that improve Oprah's show?...just because they wrote somethng on paper doesn't mean it has any value.

  • 1 decade ago

    The links are missing.

    Obama does not cover illegal aliens.

    The Republicans (like the blue dog dems) are insurance whores who couldn't find the truth if it was staring at them in the face.

    That is why Pelosi and Obama continue to tell the truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Remember .... This is OBAMA'S health care plan. OBAMA's!

    This is OBAMA'S plan! OBAMA'S plan!

    Did you get that! OBAMA'S plan.

    Congress has nothing to do with it. It is all OBAMA.

    OBAMA is here to save the US. Not congress.

    Only OBAMA can save us, with all his heroic speeches.

    Get with the press, dude!



    Source(s): driveling, drooling Obama press.
  • 1 decade ago

    They know they can count on the MSM never contradicting them.

  • strata
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    as well as the last time obama agreed to meet with the repubs was the last week in april..after numerous letters to the president..the answer from rahm was..don't worry guys the democrats have it under control...stupid libs!

  • 1 decade ago

    See now, you are dealing with facts. Liberals don't comprehend facts. They aren't relevant to their point of view.

    As for the reason they lie? That's their M.O.

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